MIAMI (United States) – The 2023-2027 electoral assemblies of FIBA’s Central American & Caribbean Basketball Confederation (CONCENCABA), and its respective sub-zones, Central American Basketball Confederation (COCABA), and Caribbean Basketball Confederation (CBC) took place in Miami this past Monday, February 13th, and concluded on Tuesday, February 14th, with 30 National Federations (NFs) in attendance.
FIBA Authorities present during the assemblies included the FIBA Secretary General, Mr. Andreas Zagklis, FIBA Treasurer Mr. Ingo Weiss, the President of FIBA in the Americas, Mrs. Carol Callan, and the Executive Director of FIBA in the Americas, Mr. Carlos Alves.

COCABA Assembly
For the Caribbean Basketball Confederation (CBC), Mr. Leslie Collymore, President of the St. Lucia Basketball Federation will be the first Vice President, but serve as Acting President, Mr. Junior Páez, from the Dominican Republic Basketball Federation will serve as second Vice President, and Mr. Frederick Brown from the Bahamas Basketball Federation was appointed third Vice Presidents. Mrs. Velica Augustin from St. Lucia Basketball Federation was appointed Secretary and Kenneth Vrolijk President of Aruba Basketball Bond Federation was selected as Treasurer.
Representing the Central American Confederation (COCABA), the President of the Asociación Deportiva Mexicana de Baloncesto, Mr. Modesto Robledo was elected as the new President. Mr. Ángel Mallona, President of the Nicaraguan Basketball Federation, will serve as the first Vice President; Mr. César Catalán of the National Basketball Federation of Guatemala, will be the Secretary.
Finally, for the Central American and Caribbean Confederation (CONCENCABA), Mr. Patrick Haynes Secretary General of the Guyana Basketball Federation was elected President, he will be joined by Mr. Modesto Robledo and Mr. Leslie Collymore as first and second Vice-Presidents, respectively, and Mrs. Sabrina Mitchell will serve as Secretary.
The final regional electoral assembly for FIBA in the Americas will also be held in Miami, USA, from May 12-13, 2023.